
national socialist motor corps معنى

  • الفيلق الاشتراكي الوطني الالي
  • national    adj. قومي, وطني; n ...
  • socialist    adj. اشتراكي; n. ا ...
  • motor    adj. متحرك; n. موت ...
  • corps    n. سلك, فيلق; جِسْ ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. national socialist german students' league معنى
  2. national socialist industrial workers' union معنى
  3. national socialist industrial workers’ union معنى
  4. national socialist league معنى
  5. national socialist league of the reich for physical exercise معنى
  6. national socialist motor corps members معنى
  7. national socialist movement (uk, 1962) معنى
  8. national socialist movement (united states) معنى
  9. national socialist movement in the netherlands معنى
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